In 2024, the Middle East Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (MEPOS) continued its efforts to advance pediatric orthopedic care by organizing several key events and educational courses. These events included:

1. Second MEPOS Clubfoot Course:
– Building on the success of the first course, the second edition focused on advanced techniques and comprehensive management of clubfoot.
– Included detailed sessions on both conservative and surgical treatment options.
– Featured interactive workshops, case discussions, and live demonstrations by leading experts in the field.
– Inaugural Course in Muscat Oman

2. MEPOS Webinar Series:
– A continuation of the popular webinar series, addressing a wide range of topics in pediatric orthopedics.
– Offered accessible online learning opportunities for healthcare professionals globally.
– Topics covered included the latest research findings, clinical best practices, and innovative treatment approaches.
– Provided a platform for interaction and knowledge exchange among participants and speakers.

Upcoming Events in 2024:

One-Day Course on Gait Analysis:
– Date: October 4, 2024
– Venue: Al Jalila Children Specialty Hospital
– A focused course on gait analysis techniques, aimed at enhancing the diagnostic and therapeutic skills of pediatric orthopedic professionals.
– The flyer and registration details will be available soon, providing information on course content, speakers, and enrollment procedures.

ICODE Graf Hip Ultrasound Course and Annual ICODE Meeting:
– Dates: October 25-27, 2024
– A specialized course on the Graf method for hip ultrasound, essential for diagnosing and managing developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).
– Combined with the annual ICODE meeting, featuring presentations, discussions, and networking opportunities with leading practitioners and researchers in pediatric orthopedics.

Deformity Correction Course:
– Date: December 2024
– An in-depth course dedicated to the latest techniques and advances in deformity correction.
– Included lectures, hands-on workshops, and case studies presented by experts.
– Aimed at improving the skills and knowledge of orthopedic surgeons and healthcare professionals in treating pediatric deformities.

These events demonstrate MEPOS’s ongoing commitment to providing high-quality education and training opportunities for professionals in the field of pediatric orthopedics.